Asbestos Workplace Safety Guide
Roofing Safety Guide
Much roofing work with asbestos-containing materials is Class II work,
requiring respirators or wet techniques. This includes removal of built-up
roofing in which the roofing felts contain asbestos and removal of asbestos-containing
shingles and asbestos-containing felt underlayments.
Other roofing materials, such as cements, coatings, mastics, and flashings
may contain asbestos, and if these materials are not intact, their removal
is a Class II operation. Removal of "intact" cements, coatings, mastics,
and flashings, is not Class II work.
Asbestos-containing material (ACM) is considered non-intact if it has crumbled,
been pulverized, or has otherwise deteriorated so that the asbestos fibers
are no longer bound within a matrix. But breaking up intact ACM for removal
does not necessarily make it non-intact for regulatory purposes. For example,
in removing built-up roofing, workers might use a power roof cutter, or
they might use chipping and scraping to remove material like cements and
mastics. Roof mastics and cements are usually pried, chipped or scraped
off; asphalt felt underlayments are sliced and rolled-up or sometimes scraped-off
or chipped-off. The separation into smaller sections does not render the
material non-intact material if it is otherwise intact.
Also, when otherwise intact roofing materials separates from the building,
it does not necessarily become defined as non-intact. The condition of the
smaller pieces must be examined to determine whether the material is non-intact.
On many roof removal jobs, the only asbestos is found in cements, mastics,
coatings, and flashings. Because significant numbers of asbestos fibers
are not released from such products when the material is intact, only minimal
precautions are required. The material must be removed using manual methods
and must not be sanded, abraded or ground. Material that has been removed
from a roof must not be dropped or thrown to the ground and must be removed
from the roof by the end of the work shift. Prior to the start of the job,
the material must be examined by a competent person to determine whether
it is intact and is likely to remain intact throughout the job. The employees
must be trained in the hazards of asbestos exposure and the proper work
practices and prohibitions applicable to such work.
Installing new asbestos-containing materials
Within the United States, the only ACM currently being installed on roofs
are certain coatings, cements, and mastics. When materials labeled as containing
asbestos are installed on non-residential roofs, the contractor must notify
the building owner of the presence and location of the asbestos-containing
Removing material
There are plenty of manual methods for removal of asbestos that are safe
when used in the right manner and with the right precautions. These methods
include the use of spud, spade, flat-blade or slicing tools, such as axes,
mattocks, pry bars, spud bars, crow bars, shovels, flat-blade knives, and
utility knives, to slice, cut, strip-off, or pry-up the material.
OSHA requires nails require are to be cut they must be cut with a flat,
sharp instrument. If the nails are not to be cut, the nails can be pulled
Air monitoring
In their tests of actual construction sites, OSHA found that when the right
work practices are followed, asbestos in the workplace air is well below
the permissible exposure limit. Therefore, the agency does not require monitoring
the air for asbestos if the on-site competent person determines that the
asbestos-containing material is intact and that employees have been properly
If the material is not intact, it must either be lowered to the ground immediately
or must be bagged, wrapped, or kept wet while it remains on the roof. Whether
or not the material is intact, it must be lowered from the roof no later
than the end of the work shift.
The ordinary accumulation of environmental dust and debris on a roof will
not require HEPA-vacuuming. Only if there is an indication that non-intact
ACM is the source of dust or debris must that dust or debris be HEPA-vacuumed.
When the roof has an aggregate surface, the dust must be collected by a
HEPA vacuum or HEPA dust collector.
It is often appropriate to remove accumulated dust and debris from a roof
to reduce the total atmospheric contamination produced by the removal job.
Power brooms are sometimes used for this purpose. Dry cleanup of dust and
debris is permitted unless the dust and debris is associated with non-intact
When a power roof cutter is used to remove a built-up roof the blade of
the cutter must be continuously misted during use unless a competent person
determines that misting substantially decreases worker safety. If the roofing
material is non-intact, before removal work begins, additional wetting and/or
other precautions, such as use of hand methods and respirators, may be needed.
Sloped roofs
Although the respirators are required for Class II asbestos work when wet
methods are not used, there is an exception when shingles are removed from
sloped roofs. Because respirator use reduces visibility and mobility and
would therefore be hazardous on sloped roofs, respirators are not required
if a negative exposure assessment has been made and the ACM is removed in
an intact state.
Wetting shingles will often make them slippery and lead to slipping and
falling hazards that can be particularly dangerous on sloped roofs. Wetting
of intact shingles is therefore not required. Wetting of non-intact shingles
is required where feasible but the shingles need not be wetted when the
competent person determines that wetting would create slipping and falling
In roofing work, respirators are required
- when wet methods are not used during removal of non-intact material
- when the material does not remain substantially intact during removal
- when the employer is unable to make a negative exposure assessment
- when asbestos exposures exceed the permissible exposure limit.
Small roofing jobs
When a contractor repairs or removes less than 25 square feet of a roof in a single day, HEPA vacuuming and wet methods need not be used. This exception only applies, however, when manual methods are used to remove the material and no visible dust is created.
Building air intakes
Air intakes on the roof within the regulated area must be isolated or shut down.
Isolation techniques include use of
- a buffer zone
- HEPA filters over the air intakes
- horizontal or vertical extensions that relocate the opening of the air intake outside or above the regulated area or away from or above a nearby upwind source of asbestos fiber emissions
- covering the intake with plastic sheeting or other barrier.
The competent person must use good judgment to choose an appropriate isolation method based on the circumstances of the particular job.
Working with Asbestos Material
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration imposes strict guidelines
for working around asbestos-containing materials. Controlling the exposure
to asbestos can be done by three methods. Engineering controls include such
things as isolating the source and keeping the area well ventilated. Administrative
actions include closely tracking and limiting the length of time workers
are exposed and providing showers for them when their shift is done. Showering
is very important for removing all traces of asbestos fibers that may remain
on the body after a work shift. Personal
protective equipment is absolutely essential for minimizing asbestos
exposure. Providing proper respiratory protection and clothing, along with
training on how to use them, can go a long way towards minimizing exposure.
Employers are required to follow these guidelines, and workers each need
to understand the risks and take personal responsibility for protecting
themselves by following them as well.
See also the page on drywall.