Center for Asbestos Safety

Bronchoscopy: An Overview

When a person is experiencing problems with their lungs or airways, a bronchoscopy may be performed in order to check for infection, obstructions and for other problems. During a bronchoscopy, a patient's trachea, larynx, throat and lower airways are examined using an endoscope called a bronchoscope. Usually, a flexible bronchoscope is used since general anesthesia is not required; rarely, a rigid bronchoscope must be used and general anesthesia is necessary.

Why Are Bronchoscopies Performed?

There are several different reasons that a bronchoscopy might be performed, including:

Laparoscopy: An Overview

Unlike many other kinds of endoscopies, a laparoscopy - the internal examination of the pelvic or abdominal cavity - requires a small incision. Indeed, physicians must make a small cut in a patient's belly in order to introduce the endoscope into the abdominal and/or pelvic cavity. Laparoscopies are often used in lieu of the much more invasive laparotomy surgery, since they involve less recovery time and a lot less pain and discomfort for the patient. Whenever possible, a doctor will perform a laparoscopy instead of laparotomy surgery.

Why Are Laparoscopies Performed?

A laparoscopy might be performed for several different reasons. Some of the most common reasons for a laparscopy are:

Center for Asbestos
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